Just a few Sundays ago I made a little trip to the sea side. Yes I do realise it's currently winter here in Australia, - and bloody freezing mind you. I just couldn't resist taking my new camera out for a play. For those of you who don't know, I'm entering my first year of a double degree for both Photography and Fashion Design at university. So I thought it would be a good idea to practice a little and play around.

Even though the sky was dark and gloomy, the clouds looked so interesting and created some amazing textures. The ocean had glimpses of some beautiful vibrant blue hues peering through. Even though I would rather of stayed in bed during a cold and gloomy sunday afternoon, I'm super happy with how the images turned out and rather enjoyed taking the photos. So here are some of the shots that I got and hope you enjoy them. Happy Sunday!


Photographer: April Williams.